Associated Content contributors banded together to bring awareness to the economic plight facing many Americans. Contributors are doing their part by writing articles raising awareness about specific needs such as unemployment insurance, helping out churches/food pantries and other ways each of us can help others out. Some are helping their fellow writers out by promoting the work of others on their blogs and social networks. A community of freelance writers working together to help one another and the world.

What started out as a simple cry for awareness of the needs of the unemployed quickly snowballed into writers banding together to help, putting their pen where their mouth is. How are writers at Associated Content helping others?
It is tough to find time to do good deeds in the summer, but reaching out to help others will make you feel great. Here are some ideas for fun and inexpensive ways to help others.

Canadian and American families go hungry every day, in a silent epidemic. Grow a Row and Plant a Row for the Hungry are grassroots initiatives for gleaning, started by gardeners who wanted to help feed those in need.

Lists resources for obtaining free medical services, free legal services and free meals in North Carolina, particularly in the Raleigh area.

An Easy-to-Grow Garden - Help Erase Hunger
Grow a low-cost, minimal time and effort vegetable garden. Using little space, team members can grow veggies to share with the hungry. Quick, easy tips on preserving veggies through freezing or drying are given.